Diabetes is a serious medical condition that can affect people of any age or weight. If not controlled, it can lead to devastating complications such as heart disease, blindness, amputations and even death.
Read MoreNow is not the time to be lazy about getting vaccine shots with the cold or flu or any kind of virus spreading around. We all know what can happen with a virus gets out of control. Protect yourself!
Read MoreRegular checkups, also known as well-child visits, allow children to receive the preventive care they need to stay healthy and prevent medical issues, such as obesity and diabetes, that can affect them when they are adults.
Read MoreWith temperatures pushing beyond 100 along most of the United States, many health experts are concerned for the public’s safety. It’s been a long hot summer already, and all signs say there is a lot of heat yet to come.
Read MoreOne of the most effective ways to alleviate the stress associated with medical appointments is through adequate preparation.
Read MoreWhile some chronic diseases are detected at a young age, others develop later in life. Each of us can make healthy choices to reduce the risk of developing one of these serious medical conditions.
Read MoreJust as physical exercise strengthens your body, mental activity helps your mind stay sharp and resist effects of the cognitive aging process.
Read MoreThere are many ways to stay healthy. A great way to safeguard your health is to ensure you have a primary care doctor.
Read MoreFlu season typically begins in October of each year and lasts through early spring — a period when many people spend more time in indoor spaces, where influenza viruses can spread more easily.
Read MoreAtrial fibrillation, also known as AFib or AF or a “racing heart,” is an irregular heartbeat that causes the upper chambers of the heart to function ineffectively, leading to potential blood clots, heart failure and stroke.
Read MoreA variety of mental health options, including telemedicine, is available to union members. The important thing to realize is you’re not alone. Help is available.
Read MoreA stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when a blood vessel carrying blood and nutrients to the brain is blocked or bursts, causing brain cells to die.
Read MoreWhile you may have a short period after contracting COVID-19 during which you have a heightened natural immunity, it diminishes over time, leaving you susceptible to the virus again.
Read MoreMany health problems can be controlled or even eliminated when they are detected early through regular physical exams and diagnostic screenings.
Read MoreFor the most part it doesn’t get cold or dreary for long periods of time in Southern California, even in the winter. However, for some, the climate within the mind can become as dark as the skies of the Arctic Circle.
Read MoreWearing masks, maintaining social distancing and washing hands also help reduce the virus’ spread, but we must also receive the vaccine in order to get the disease under control. Only through vaccinations can we develop widespread immunity and return to a long-awaited sense of normality.
Read MoreKaiser Permanente participants don’t always need to visit a doctor to take advantage of their benefits.
Read MoreTeladoc is a national network of U.S. board-certified physicians, licensed in California, who are available by phone or video.
Read MoreAs news of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) evolves, you may find yourself growing increasingly anxious or stressed. If so, you are not alone.
Read MoreJust as you prepare when there is a bad weather forecast, or other emergencies you should prepare for the likely increase of COVID-19 outbreaks throughout the U.S. Don’t panic — but do prepare.
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