Select Your Plan
Below are links to the provider lookup utilities. Select the plan that you are interested in and you will be directed to the appropriate site. On each carrier’s site are specific instructions to assist you in making the proper choices to find a provider.
If you need further assistance in locating a provider, please contact our Member Services department Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at 1-800-753-0222 or email musicians@pacfed.com.
Blue Shield High Deductible PPO
To search for a PPO network provider in California, go to blueshieldca.com/networkppo and select the type of provider you want. Click on Advanced Search to filter your search by name, specialty, facility type, and more.
Blue Shield Access+ HMO
To search for an HMO Access+ network provider in California, go to blueshieldca.com/networkhmo and follow these instructions.
Blue Shield Trio
To search for an HMO Trio ACO network provider in California, go to blueshieldca.com/networktriohmo and follow these instructions.
Kaiser Permanente
To search for a Kaiser Permanente in-network provider, log on to kp.org and select the "Find A Doctor" at the bottom of the page. You may then Find a Doctor or Find a Facility. In the drop-down menu "Select an Area" choose "California - Southern". Insert your specific location criteria and search.
Go to deltadentalins.com and follow these instructions.
Delta Dental PPO
Go to deltadentalins.com and follow these instructions.
Landmark Healthplan
Go to the "Provider Directory" and follow the instructions on the site.